Facelift Near Seattle

Facelift surgery is a facial rejuvenation procedure that can create transformative results. It’s the most effective way to address significant sagging and smooth deep wrinkles and folds, with results that last a decade or more.

With the widespread popularity of non-surgical procedures like dermal fillers, Botox, and other injectables, determining what is best for you can be an increasingly complicated decision.

As you age, skin and underlying tissues in your face lose elasticity and begin to droop and sag. Each individualized procedure could include for example variations such as mid-facelift, deep neck lift, temporal forehead lift, lip lift, buccal fat removal, and more.

Explore your options at the Larrabee Center in Seattle, Washington, and take the first steps toward looking and feeling your best! 


How Do You Know When It’s Time for a Facelift?

As more people become aware of the advantages of non-surgical treatments such as dermal fillers, Botox, and other injectables, choosing what is suitable for you has become more complex. As you age, the skin and tissues underneath the face start to lose their elasticity and begin to droop and sag. If you feel your current skincare and treatment solutions are no longer effective, it may be time to consider a facelift. 

How does a facelift work?

A deep plane facelift is performed in the gliding plane beneath the SMAS, submuscular aponeurotic system which is a layer of tissue that connects the face and neck muscles to the skin. Ligaments are released and the SMAS repositioned to tighten the jowls and the neck. Excess skin and fat are also removed. 

Benefits of a Facelift

At the Larrabee Center for Plastic Surgery in Seattle’s First Hill neighborhood, we have a long and proud history of specializing in facial plastic surgery procedures. During your private consultation, Dr. Larrabee will discuss your goals and aspirations for facial enhancements. His technique combines unrivaled safety with long-lasting, natural-appearing results.

Dr. Larrabee’s personalized techniques are described in his many articles and textbook, The Art and Craft of Facial Rejuvenation, emphasizing the importance of the underlying vectors of the facelift to create natural and longlasting rejuvenation.

This profound understanding of the anatomy is crucial to performing a safe deep plane facelift. Dr. Larrabee has been at the forefront of facelift innovation for many decades. His 1995 book Surgical Anatomy of the Face illustrated the anatomy of the deep plane with iconic illustrations that are still widely referenced today

As Richard Feynman, the famous physicist said- “If you want to master something, teach it.” Dr. Larrabee has lectured on his facelift techniques in Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Hong Kong, China, Korea, Australia, and throughout Europe and the UK. He also gave a lecture in Regensburg, Germany, over a decade ago, titled “My Experience with over 5000 Facelifts”, and has, of course, done many since.  

Expertise Matters! The facelift most effectively treats: 

  • Sagging skin on the cheeks 
  • Loose skin along the jawline (jowls) 
  • Deep folds around the nose 
  • Creases around the mouth 
  • Laxity of the neck 
  • Fatty tissue and excess skin beneath the chin 

Once your face has fully healed, look out, world – you’ll be stepping out with a rejuvenated face that looks years younger! 

Types of Facelifts


Nonsurgical Facelift

We offer minimally invasive and advanced cosmetic treatments that can enhance the skin and provide dramatic results. Nonsurgical facelifts do not necessitate general anesthesia or significant incisions. However, they are still effective in tackling the symptoms of aging, such as sagging skin, creases, and wrinkles. Examples of minimally invasive methods for treating aging skin include MyElevate, Sofwave, and Sylfirm X.


The mid-face area starts to lose its youthful look as you grow older; your cheeks begin to drop, and you look fatigued. If you wish to revive your face without a full facelift, a mid-face lift might be the right choice. A mid-facelift can lift the cheeks, bring back the natural roundness of the cheeks, return youthful fullness to the midface, and reduce the depth of the nasolabial folds from the sides of your nose.

Mini Facelift

A mini facelift is a procedure that reduces sagging around the lower region of the face. It is a good choice if you have minor issues and are not ready for a comprehensive facelift. It is a magnificent way to address the laxity of the jowl and neck area in younger patients.


What to expect before, during, and after a facelift procedure


What to expect before a facelift procedure 

Prior to having a facelift, you will do a preop consultation with a surgical nurse. Depending on your age and health you may need a medical evaluation. You should quit smoking, and stop taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements as they could cause bleeding and bruising. Specific instruction will be provided.  

What to expect during a facelift procedure

Before surgery, a general anesthetic is typically utilized. Incisions will begin from the hairline of the temples, curve around the ears, and finish at the hairline behind the ears. The incisions are strategically placed in areas that are simple to conceal and follow the natural curves of your body, making them minimally visible. Fat may be contoured or redistributed from the face, jowls, and neck, while the deeper tissues and muscles are lifted. The skin is then pulled over the uplifted contours and excess skin is removed. Finally, the incisions are closed with sutures. For additional improvement of the neck, a second insition may be necessary under the chin.

What to expect after a facelift procedure

Many patients assume that they’ll have to be on bed rest for an extended period following their facelift, but, in truth, you should be able to be up and around pretty quickly following your procedure—as long you remember to take it easy. A general anesthetic is utilized. Initially, it’s of paramount importance that you be exceedingly gentle with your face and hair during the early stages of recovery. You won’t be able to see the ultimate results right away, so you’ll need to be patient as the swelling and bruising subside over the first few weeks after the procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a good candidate for a facelift?

Individuals who are in good health and would like to reduce signs of aging on their face, including the sagging of skin, and laxity of the neck and jowls, are suitable for a facelift.

How long is the recovery after the facelift? When can I wash my hair?

After surgery, your doctor is likely to recommend medication for pain relief. It is normal to experience some mild pain, swelling, and bruising. Once the swelling subsides, you’ll be able to see the difference in your appearance. Give your body time to heal before washing your hair – wait a minimum of 48 hours. During the first week, only use baby shampoo and apply conditioner to the ends of your hair to stay away from the incision site. Allow yourself around two weeks before resuming your regular daily activities, and wait around four weeks for more strenuous exercises.

What procedures could work well with Facelift?

Although exceptional results have been obtained in reducing signs of aging, there are certain rejuvenation issues that a facelift cannot resolve, such as drooping eyelids. Therefore, eyelid surgery or a brow lift could be used in conjunction to obtain optimal desired results. Lasers can also be added to treat deep wrinkles.

How long do results last?

A facelift offers long-lasting improvements that last up to 10 years or more.

How much does a facelift cost?

The price of a facelift procedure varies depending on several factors such as desired results and the extent of treatment. Nevertheless, at the Larrabee Center in Seattle, we will help you choose the best option to reach your aesthetic goals based on our many years of experience.

What are the potential risks and side effects of facelifts?

It is possible to experience swelling, bruising, tenderness, and minimal discomfort. Extremely rare adverse reactions may include anesthesia risks, bleeding, delayed healing, unfavorable scarring, or injury to the facial nerves.

Is the facelift procedure painful?

The facelift procedure is usually comfortable, with minimal pain, due to the use of sedation and local anesthesia, which just numbs a certain area of the body, or general anesthesia, which induces a sleep-like state.

What kind of anesthesia or numbing agent is used?

To make the surgical procedure more comfortable. Your surgeon will recommend which is best for you. Most facelifts are done under general anesthesia. Local anesthesia can be used in individualized situations.

Can a facelift Improve my eyelids too?

Facelift does not resolve all signs of aging such as drooping eyelids; however, eyelid surgery and browlift can be performed in conjunction with a facelift to achieve desired results.

Schedule your Facelift consultation



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01. Get to know Dr. Larrabee.

02. Help him understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

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