Eyelid Surgery Near Seattle

Dr. Larrabee also Dr. Susan Kurian, at The Larrabee Center in Seattle, Washington can transform your appearance through specialized eyelid surgery, called blepharoplasty. This technical procedure effectively combats aging signs that affect the skin and tissue around your eyes. Dr. Larrabee and Dr. Susan Kurian perform the surgery skillfully and innovatively, leading to his wide recognition.

The appearance of the eyes holds tremendous importance in our aesthetic appeal, as it projects our personality. Sagging, puffiness, and droopy tissues caused by aging can make you look much older than you are and even obstruct vision. Fortunately, you can rejuvenate your eyes’ overall appearance with a blepharoplasty, ensuring a more youthful, confident look that reflects the real you. 

What Is Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is a surgical procedure that improves the appearance and function of the eyelids. It can be performed on the upper or lower lids, or both. This procedure can rejuvenate the area around the eyes, providing both aesthetic and functional benefits.

How Does Eyelid Surgery Work? 

Eyelid surgery in Seattle typically takes between one and two hours to complete. Depending on the specific case, upper eyelid surgery may be performed under either local or general anesthesia, while lower eyelid surgery is usually conducted under general anesthesia. During the procedure, Dr. Larrabee and Dr. Susan Kurian will remove any excess fat, tighten sagging muscles, and remove excess skin around the eyes.

Blepharoplasty, the procedure for improving the upper eyelids, may involve correcting excess skin hooding, mechanical ptosis, eyelid margin asymmetry, and/or brow ptosis. It is possible to perform ptosis correction in conjunction with cosmetic or functional blepharoplasty, thereby avoiding the need for two separate procedures.

Benefits Of Eyelid Surgery 

Eyelid surgery benefits include restoring a youthful appearance by elevating drooping eyelids, reducing wrinkles and crow’s feet, and removing heavy bags and fatty deposits from under the eyes. Our blepharoplasty treatment can give you a well-rested and younger-looking face.


Why Choose Blepharoplasty?

This surgical procedure can provide a more radiant look by enhancing the appearance of the upper and lower eyelids. By removing excess skin, fat, and muscle from the area around the eyes, sagging and drooping eyelids can be corrected. The benefits of blepharoplasty are not limited to aesthetics alone. These procedures can also help improve vision, making the decision to undergo blepharoplasty a medical as well as cosmetic choice.

How Does The Procedure Feel? When Will the Results Show? 

Our eyelid procedure can be performed using either general anesthesia or local anesthesia. While general anesthesia is the usual practice, local anesthesia is also incredibly effective in making blepharoplasty a painless procedure.

This leads to a procedure that is pain-free and yields satisfying results. As swelling and bruising recede, eyelid surgery results materialize progressively, displaying a smoother, more defined, alert, and invigorated appearance in the region around the eyelids.

Is Eyelid Surgery Right For You? 

If you’re 35 or older and suffer from baggy or droopy eyelids, puffiness around the eyes, excess fat around the eyes, or excess tissue causing vision obstruction, you may be an ideal candidate for blepharoplasty.

During your consultation at The Larrabee Center, Dr. Larrabee and Dr. Susan Kurian will listen to you, diagnose your condition, and discuss the possible options. Based on his extensive experience with cosmetic and reconstructive Eyelid Surgery, he’ll recommend whether surgery is the solution for your upper eyelids, lower lids, or both. With his background training in the US and with experts in London, he has performed many thousands of aesthetic and reconstructive eyelid procedures.


Before, During, and After

What To Expect Before An Eyelid Surgery Procedure 

Before undergoing Eyelid Surgery, a pre-op consultation with a surgical nurse is required, and based on your age and health, a medical evaluation may be necessary. To prevent bleeding and bruising, it is recommended to quit smoking and stop taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements. Specific instructions will be provided.

What To Expect During An Eyelid Surgery Procedure 

To ensure comfort during a surgical procedure, medications are administered. Incisions for eyelid surgery are carefully placed to conceal scars in the eyelid region. For upper eyelid correction, an incision will be made within the eyelid’s natural crease. This allows for the removal or repositioning of fat deposits, along with muscle tightening.

For lower eyelid correction, an incision can be made inside the eyelid or just below the lower lash line, where excess skin can be removed and fat can be repositioned or removed. Lasers can be used to smooth the skin with no external incision in many cases

What To Expect After An Eyelid Surgery Procedure 

After your eyelid surgery, expect to use lubricating ointment and cold compresses as part of the recovery process. In some cases, gauze may loosely cover your eyes after the procedure. Following the surgery, you’ll receive detailed instructions that may include how to care for your eyes, medication dosages, possible concerns to monitor, and when to schedule a follow-up appointment.

Early healing may involve some swelling, bruising, discomfort, dry eyes, and irritation, all of which can be managed with medication, cold compresses, and ointment. You may also experience irritation at the site of the incision.


Frequently Asked Questions

Are The Results Of Eyelid Surgery Permanent?

Even though eyelid surgery can address specific issues permanently, natural aging will still occur. Consistent use of sun protection can help maintain your results.

Is There A Minimum Age Requirement To Get A Blepharoplasty Treatment?

Although eyelid surgery is not usually recommended for younger patients, there is no official minimum age requirement. Younger patients with “eyelid bags” may be treated with blepharoplasty.

How Much Does Blepharoplasty Cost?

At The Larrabee Center in Seattle, we can help you select the best option for your Blepharoplasty procedure based on factors like your desired results and the extent of treatment required. Prices vary accordingly.

Is Eyelid Surgery Painful?

By preventing the brain from receiving pain signals from the target area, the anesthesia used during plastic surgery treatments ensures that pain is eliminated. Even if you and the doctor determine that locally administered anesthesia is sufficient for your minor surgery, there will be no pain after the local is applied.

What Are The Potential Risks And Side Effects Of Blepharoplasty?

Although every surgery involves some risk, blepharoplasty typically affects only superficial tissue, making it a conservative option. However, incisions break the skin and increase the risk of infection and bleeding. By properly caring for your incisions as directed in post-op instructions, the risk of poor wound healing, pain, and visible scarring can remain low. During your consultation, your doctor will discuss potential risks related to your case and how you can work together to limit them.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Eyelid Surgery?

Blepharoplasty is a valid option for most adults who desire a long-term rejuvenation of their eyelids and are in good health.

Is There Any Downtime After My Eyelid Surgery Procedure?

It takes around two weeks to recover from upper or lower blepharoplasty. Despite this, many aspects of recovery must be considered, including swelling, bruising, and scar maturation. Typically, bruising and some swelling disappear within two weeks, allowing you to feel good about your refreshed appearance and resume your usual activities. Incision scarring also reduces within two weeks after surgery, becoming inconspicuous.

Bruising usually resolves within two weeks. Although swelling has reduced significantly by this time, complete recovery may take several weeks. Scar maturation may also take months. However, you will notice an improvement after the first month of recovery, rendering the process nearly imperceptible.

When Can I Wear Makeup After Eyelid Surgery?

Avoid wearing makeup for at least a week after the procedure, to allow enough time for the incisions to heal properly and for any swelling or bruising to subside. If makeup is applied too soon after surgery, it can potentially cause infection or irritation to the eyes. Once the initial healing period has passed, you can begin to reintroduce makeup into your daily routine while following specific instructions and using only products that are safe for post-operative care.

Can Eyelid Surgery Be Done On All Skin Types?

Eyelid surgery can be safely performed on individuals of all skin types. However, there are certain factors, such as the thickness and elasticity of the skin, that may need to be taken into account when determining the best approach for each patient.

Will Eyelid Surgery Remove My Under-Eye Bags?

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty for eye bags can be performed through an incision beneath the lash line, which provides adequate access to the underlying tissue for fat manipulation and skin tightening.

Can Eyelid Surgery Improve My Vision?

Eyelid surgery can actually improve your vision by lifting droopy eyelids that may be obstructing your line of sight.

Can I Combine Eyelid Surgery With Other Treatments?

As age progresses, facial changes extend beyond the eyes, requiring a combination of procedures in conjunction with blepharoplasty. Given the proximity, eyelids affected by laxity may be accompanied by heavy brow lines, requiring significant rejuvenation that includes both blepharoplasty and brow lift surgeries.

Depending on the desired outcomes, facelift or injectable treatments may be used to restore youth to the lower parts of the face. Our board-certified plastic surgeons are extensively skilled in performing these procedures and can help determine what treatment or combination of treatments is best for achieving your aesthetic goals.

What Should I Do To Prepare For My Eyelid Surgery Treatment?

At your pre-op consultation, you will provide a detailed medical history, including any past surgeries or medical conditions, as well as a list of any medications or supplements you currently take. In the weeks leading up to the surgery, it’s important to follow any pre-operative instructions, which may include avoiding certain medications or activities. Additionally, be sure to arrange for transportation to and from the surgical facility, as well as for any necessary aftercare.

How Long Does The Swelling Last After Eyelid Surgery?

Typically, the majority of the swelling will dissipate within two weeks after the surgery.


Schedule your Eyelid Surgery consultation



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