Forehead Lift Near Seattle

Rejuvenate your forehead and eye area with a forehead lift at The Larrabee Center in Seattle Washington. Dr. Larrabee or Kurian, Board-certified facial plastic surgeons with a wealth of experience in forehead lift surgery, can expertly transform your tired or sad appearance into a more rested look. With skill and expertise, your appearance will be brightened and rejuvenated, resulting in a stunning, youthful, and refreshed look. 


What is a Forehead Lift? 

A forehead lift is a surgical procedure that improves the appearance of sagging forehead skin, eyebrows, and upper eyelids. It targets wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyes.

Typically, incisions are made at or behind the hairline, ensuring minimal and hidden scarring. In some cases, incisions are made in a forehead line. The procedure involves removing excess skin, tightening muscles, and achieving a smoother, more youthful appearance. 

How Does a Forehead Lift Work? 

Forehead lift surgery enhances appearance by tightening sagging tissue around the forehead and eyebrows. The procedure involves elevating the skin, underlying tissue, and musculature to rejuvenate the brows, resulting in a more youthful position. It also includes removing excess skin, repositioning muscles, and aligning facial features for improved facial harmony. 

Benefits of a Forehead Lift 

This aesthetic procedure offers multiple benefits. It can help improve overall facial contours, reduce wrinkles, and elevate drooping eyebrows or heavy lids. The results are long-lasting and will enhance your appearance significantly.


Why Choose a Forehead Lift? 

This aesthetic procedure enhances facial contours, reduces wrinkles, and lifts drooping eyebrows or heavy lids for a refreshed appearance. It also corrects sagging eyebrows that obstruct vision,  lifting them to their natural position and improving overall vision. The results are long-lasting, lasting up to 10 years or more. 

When Will the Results Show?

The outcomes of the forehead lift surgery in Seattle become immediately apparent. With post-surgical swelling gradually subsiding and incision lines fading, the final results of the procedure will manifest over the next few months. 

Potential Risks and Complications of a Forehead Lift Procedure 

Minor bruising is a common side effect. Rare occurrences include effects such as scarring, skin loss, or allergic reactions to the anesthetics used during the surgery. Loss of sensation or decreased movement of the forehead are rare complications. 


Before, During, and After

What To Expect Before a Forehead Lift Procedure 

Before a forehead lift procedure, a comprehensive health assessment is conducted, including lab tests. To prepare for surgery, patients should avoid consuming aspirin and herbal supplements, as these substances can increase the risk of bleeding and bruising. 

What To Expect During a Forehead Lift Procedure 

Dr. Larrabee or Kurian will perform forehead lift surgery using general anesthesia. During the procedure, he will meticulously remove excess skin and tissue and reposition the muscles in the forehead and eyebrows to achieve a rejuvenated contour. 

What To Expect After a Forehead Lift Procedure 

Recovery from forehead lift surgery is generally well-tolerated, with a recommended period of rest for about a week post-procedure. However, most individuals can gradually resume their normal activities within 10 days. Following the removal of bandages, regular showering or bathing routines can be resumed.

It is advisable to avoid any strenuous activities, such as cardiovascular exercises, during the initial weeks of the recovery phase. Over time, the effects of the procedure will gradually diminish, leading to a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. 


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the common reasons people choose to undergo a forehead lift? 

People often opt for a forehead lift to address cosmetic concerns. These concerns include achieving a more youthful and refreshed appearance in the area above their eyes, correcting drooping brows, reducing horizontal lines and furrows that can convey anger, sadness, or fatigue, and addressing deep vertical furrows between the eyebrows, commonly known as frown lines.

The primary motivation for most individuals seeking a forehead lift is to counteract the signs of aging in the brow and forehead region. This procedure offers a long-lasting solution, resulting in a more youthful and youthful appearance. 

Is a forehead lift a painful procedure? 

Our forehead lift procedure is designed to prioritize patient comfort. General anesthesia promotes an unparalleled sense of comfort by inducing a sleep-like state. 

How long is the recovery period after a forehead lift? 

After forehead lift surgery, it is advised to rest for a week. Most people can resume light daily activities in 10 days. Once the bandages are removed, normal showering or bathing is permitted. Avoid strenuous activities, such as cardiovascular exercises, during the initial weeks. Over time, the effects of the procedure will fade, leaving you with a refreshed and revitalized appearance. 

What is the expected outcome of a forehead lift surgery? 

The expected outcome of a forehead lift surgery is to achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance by reducing the appearance of wrinkles and lines on the forehead, lifting sagging skin, and improving overall facial symmetry.

This procedure can also help improve the appearance of droopy eyebrows and reduce the appearance of frown lines between the eyebrows. The goal of a forehead lift surgery is to give the patient a smoother, more refreshed, and more alert look.

How long do the results of a forehead lift typically last? 

A forehead lift can provide its patients with lifted and rejuvenated features that can last a decade or longer, offering years of lasting results. 

What is the cost of a forehead lift, and is it covered by insurance? 

Forehead lift surgery is typically categorized as a cosmetic procedure, and most insurance plans do not cover it unless medically necessary, such as in the case of a visual impairment diagnosis. The cost of the procedure varies depending on its type and complexity. 

Can a forehead lift be combined with other cosmetic procedures? 

When a facelift or blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) is performed along with a forehead lift, it achieves maximum rejuvenation and enhances the harmony of all facial features, resulting in beautiful results. Combining these procedures in Seattle or can yield optimal outcomes. We offer a range of choices and can customize a plan to optimize your cosmetic results.

What is the difference between a forehead lift and a facelift? 

As we age, our skin tends to lose elasticity, leading to sagging, specifically in the face and forehead. Surgical procedures like a facelift and a forehead lift aim to address these concerns and revive the face. However, they differ in focus and approach.

A facelift primarily tightens and lifts the skin and tissues of the face, neck, and jowls, resulting in smoother wrinkles and a more youthful appearance. Conversely, a forehead lift targets the upper third of the face, minimizing wrinkles and furrows in the brow area, and can also involve lifting and smoothing the forehead. Both options can restore a more youthful look.  

Are there any age restrictions for a forehead lift? 

When wrinkles, drooping, or excess skin or fat around the eye area become overly noticeable, it is commonly recommended by medical professionals to consider this surgery. 

Is there a risk of scarring with forehead lift surgery? 

Typically, a forehead lift does not result in visible scars. The incisions made during the procedure are usually concealed in the hairline or natural contours of the forehead, rendering them virtually undetectable. Drs. Larrabee and Kurian employ advanced techniques to minimize scarring from incisions. 

Can a forehead lift correct sagging eyebrows and forehead wrinkles? 

A forehead lift, also known as browplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to correct sagging or drooping of the forehead skin, eyebrows, and upper eyelids, while also smoothing out forehead wrinkles. 

What is the recovery process like, and are there any postoperative care instructions? 

You should keep your head elevated and refrain from vigorous physical activity.  Here are some tips to aid in your recovery: 

  •  Initial wound healing typically takes 10 to 14 days, and sutures or clips will be removed when appropriate. 
  • After 10-14 days, you should be ready to return to work and normal activity. 
  • To help conceal bruising, consider using makeup and cosmetics. 
  • Although you may appear presentable to the public, the healing process will continue for several weeks as swelling reduces and incision lines refine and fade. 

Remember to follow your personalized post-operative instructions, as each person’s recovery process may vary. 

Are there any limitations or restrictions after a forehead lift surgery? 

Post-surgery, patients should be aware of limitations and restrictions. While the procedure is low-risk and straightforward, avoiding strenuous physical activity for several weeks is crucial to prevent strain on the forehead area.

To minimize complications, patients should refrain from taking blood-thinning medications or supplements before and after the procedure. Following the surgeon’s post-operative instructions is vital for optimal results and to reduce post-surgical discomfort. 

How soon can I return to regular activities after a forehead lift? 

Typically, you can anticipate returning to work and resuming normal activities within 10-14 days. 

How long does the swelling and bruising typically last after a forehead lift? 

Following your forehead lift procedure, it is common to experience mild bruising and swelling for approximately 10-14 days.  To aid in a speedy recovery, it is advised to keep your head elevated for 14 days and avoid engaging in strenuous activities. 


Schedule your Forehead Lift consultation at Larrabee 



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